MENU 产品 91在线在线啪永久地址: 典例
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的类型:人造自动化 了解更多


主要来源:尚品我国的| 类别:平台网站科普| 时段:2012-07-24
Creativity is the website of the optimus prime, a web site of the force at the core. A professional web designer are not afraid to design ability technology is not enough, only worried about his own creative inspiration thinking appeared poor, and no creative inspiration, that means the designer lost the original design ability, also lost website design original vitality.

1、网站设计,细节影响成败(Website design, details the success or failure of the influence)

Believe that at present most web designer in the web site design use most of the way is start from the grid layout. First some line box will block and points column decorate good, and then will match colors plan and theme positioning sure, and finally to detail processing, the big and small.

But, according to the conventional means for dealing with problems often won't help you find any wonderful changes, also won't contributed to the generation of any inspiration, and so we need is breakthrough routine, by small and congress let website design full of humour and wit. Perhaps through a small form button design or website design of a small ornaments idea makes us more moment more wonderful ideas germination.

2、解决问题激发创意(Solve problems arousing originality)

Humans have progress because the problem is constantly generate and is constantly being solved, web design as well. Don't be afraid of the problem of, the question once produced will give us the opportunity to check back in check web design problem of the process, often can bring us many many little surprise, including suddenly jump out to little originality.

3、围绕重心,发散思维(Around the center of gravity, divergent thinking)

Life has a center of gravity, the production and operation of enterprises are the core, web design also needs to have center. The center is the enterprise culture, is the product superiority, may is the customer requirement, more can be web design itself LOGO elements.

4、从客户出发,寻找突破点(Embark from the customer, looking for the breaking point)

Every web site design has the function requirement, usually, we will go to the website design and then code to add, may also do exactly the opposite. But regardless of which kind of form, the function demand will first, web designers in understanding to the website functional requirements from the customer should first after Angle, put yourself in the thought, the customer will be like what kind of operation form.

5、组合网站设计元素(Portfolio site design element)

Website design combination element but font, line, pictures, text, LOGO, background and so on some of the most basic web design requirements, but don't look down upon these elements, as long as you are good at observation, there must be a new discovery.

6、知己知彼百战不殆(You know)

A person a kind of thought, ten people ten kinds of thoughts, one hundred people can have one hundred kinds of thoughts, web design and did not like this? Take a look at some more superior or peer website design, believe that you have to find a new starting point.

7、换位思考。多听意见(Empathy. Listen more opinions)

People if long in the same job not only won't have new progress, it will produce psychological conflict, so web designer should often switch to keep the project a good mood. Lookers-on see more than you can't see the problem perhaps others can see through at a glance; Customers although don't understand website design, but his view is a spring.




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