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种类:尚品国内 | 多种类型:公司网站百度百科| 时:2013-03-18
Building a website without content, to win the user's access to rely solely on the design, this website whether can the visitors leave another browse " realm"? A lot of people will be to disdain, design is always a dot, like singers on stage to sing and dance, the limelight attention is a singer, dancer and not rise and dance in a happy mood, but this time we can also say, if can also appear in the wonderful dancer in the lens, itself dance also may appear as a separate program, in this year's Spring Festival evening many programs are relying on the digital screen strong finish, say so, web site design is very important, if the site design of excellent excellent web site and will complement each other, allowing users to indulge in pleasures without stop.

Web design does not need too many beautiful movements, because received their conditions, any website can't spend a lot of money in the web site layout, a lot of people know, is currently the main way to Internet website marketing or promotion, to occupy the market, expand to disk ... ... Well, then we have previous experience several useful and convenient rule.

Home do not have the advertisement, the longer the better. Function to highlight the website of a lot of people, or some rely on advertising revenue website when users open a began to a lot of advertising, this is not necessarily a good thing! Because advertising can delay the website open speed, and, we can go to the Taobao website to have a look, almost all Taobao shop baby is introduced page exactly, on a page to express themselves all the content displayed, natural to win the favor of consumers, it is essential to good degree.

The best site in suspense. No ads and then will all tell your visitors, so, the website what profit, especially the web site, those who need to earn a living advertisement click it, we can in the webpage layout, such as news, any news is a historical background, or even a keyword has its unique historical meaning, in the primary School of writing, usually cite several classic quotes or famous quotes will get teachers good score, good, we set up the suspense in the sentence, if the user of a word or a point more interested, then, may wish to, a hyperlink can guide them into of course, one of which is to attract users click the content of the website, as long as they pay attention to the content, and then expand the legend, even if you tell a small apple, are likely to lead to Newton this big man!

Webpage layout should not be too strange. Webpage layout if too bizarre, can give a person a kind of funny feeling, if the site access to users is a group of young group, then, we can design out some, the layout of the ornate, if this is not the case, then, is good for web page design are classified, because, each site visitors to the mastery of professional knowledge is not the same, their focus is different, can be arranged to let these users quickly find what they need, of course, the content of home to have the very strong temptation!

Many sites are like pictures attract users that use beauty, as if the visitors to the site are male, actually otherwise, we display a set of data on Taobao, really involved in the transaction and purchased by the user, women occupy more than 2/3, so, website design process to consider a lot of experience of women relative to men more like user, user online games, women are more easily in some content of the website is very strong, so, website content update process, a lot of factors, some women's concerns proved, many sites use this way, flow was significantly improved!




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